Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to participate?

Woohooo, you are very excited to become a part of the chain, and have trouble sleeping at night just thinking about it...great!

Step 1: Just enroll yourself, by sending an email to
You'll be placed on a list, and will be notified when it's your time to react on a photo.
Please let us know in this email what the name is you would like to have displayed (e.g. nickname, real name), as we will occassionally put updates of the list online. Here you can check when your time to react will be.

Step 2: Yes, your time has come to react! We will send you an email about this glorious fact, along with the photo you have to react on.
Now, it's very important that you send us back YOUR photo WITHIN ONE WEEK!
Please also send us;
- your name (or nickname),
- age,
- country you live in,
- name of the person on who's photo you've reacted,
- the name and contactinfo of a person you know, who wants to participate as well.

If you feel you need to explain the connection between the 2 photos, feel free to do so!
If your photo gets the green light, we will put it online for you.

Please, spread the word so lots of people from lots of countries all over the world will be able to participate!

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