Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Photo # 21 (full circle)

- Eva ( (©)

- 27 years old

- the Netherlands

- As you might have noticed, we've reached a full circle; the first photoblogger (Eva) continued to react on the last person on the list. If you feel like reacting once again, send us an email (!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photo # 20 (reaxion on #19)

- Cathrien (©)

- 52 years old

- the Netherlands

Thursday, May 14, 2009

* Rejected* -reaxion on #19

- Cathrien (©)

- 52 years old

- the Netherlands

- Rejected because there is no obvious visual connection. Sorry!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Photo # 19

- 'Chelle (©)

- 13 years old

- China

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Photo # 18

- Fabus (©)

- 31 years old

- Australia

- Interpretation: The connection was a result of the the previous two. First we had a large statue of a golden like Buddha, then it went to a picture of a man sleeping with a lamp that shared a similar color as the statue. From there I continued with concept what he might have been dreaming about. In my picture there is a golden bee. It seems a bit abstract and out of place. I believe dreams some how make connections on a subconscious level with reoccurring themes. Basically my connection was that of color. The statue, the lamp, and the bee.